





Hey my love!


I’m so happy you’re here.

This is the last chance you'll get to do my LIFE-CHANGING 10 week course, The Thrive Project. And it's at a ridiculous discount! 

Are you ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level? If you're looking for an experience that will shift your reality and bring you proven results, then The Thrive Project is for you. ✨

This course contains the wisdom that changed my reality and sky-rocketed my growth. And now it can do the same for you... because I've put everything you need into an easy-to-follow step-by-step process.

The Thrive Project has helped countless people find the deepest sense of self-worth from within and completely change their life. Each module will guide you back home to yourself, and help you to reclaim your power so that you can become an unstoppable force of love in the world. 


I’ve also thrown in two of my most powerful workshops, filled with the JUICIEST wisdom that is guaranteed to help you access more abundance, joy and freedom.


I love you & I want you to win.

Meg x


The Black Friday Sale


£1130 ONLY £149

YOU SAVE £981!

  • The Thrive Project (worth £998)
  • I'm Worth More (worth £88)
  • How to Play Bigger (worth £44)
  • Lifetime access

Black Friday Sale Ends









Hey my love!


I’m so happy you’re here.

This is the last chance you'll get to do my LIFE-CHANGING 10 week course, The Thrive Project. And it's at a ridiculous discount! 

Are you ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level? If you're looking for an experience that will shift your reality and bring you proven results, then The Thrive Project is for you. ✨


This course contains the wisdom that changed my reality and sky-rocketed my growth. And now it can do the same for you... because I've put everything you need into an easy-to-follow step-by-step process.

The Black Friday Sale


£1130 ONLY £149

YOU SAVE £981!

  • The Thrive Project (worth £998)
  • I'm Worth More (worth £88)
  • How to Play Bigger (worth £44)
  • Lifetime access

Black Friday Sale Ends









The Thrive Project has helped countless people find the deepest sense of self-worth from within and completely change their life. Each module will guide you back home to yourself, and help you to reclaim your power so that you can become an unstoppable force of love in the world. 


I’ve also thrown in two of my most powerful workshops, filled with the JUICIEST wisdom that is guaranteed to help you access more abundance, joy and freedom.


I love you & I want you to win.

Meg x

The Thrive Project


This is a life changing, soul shifting 10-week online course that will take you on a journey of deep inner transformation.

I always knew there was more to life. I always knew there was a depth to it that I hadn’t yet experienced, so I faced my fears and saw my obstacles as an opportunity to heal, grow, expand and tap into my unlimited potential. This took many years, but I’ve condensed the most profound teachings down into this step-by-step, easy to follow course.

There are 8 juicy modules which include inspiring videos, life-altering wisdom, worksheets, meditations and bonus modules from some of my favourite leaders and coaches.

Here's a peek inside the course...

The Ego & The Soul

The Infinite Self

The Power of Meditation

Finding Inner Peace

What’s your story?

Self Love

Mirror Work

The Drama Triangle

You Weren’t Born to Suffer

The Misery Trap

Understanding Energy

Making Peace with the Past


How to do Inner Child work

Self Judgement / Self Discernment

Feeling and Processing Emotion

The Power of Response

Fear vs. Love

Thoughts & Beliefs

Self Sabotage

Gratitude is a Super Power

Unshakable Confidence

Manifesting a Life you Love

Bonuses on finding purpose, setting goals, choosing a soul aligned career and embodying your higher self … with some of my favourite industry leaders.


And to make it even better, I'm throwing in 2 additional products, just for you...

How to Play Bigger


A bigger life is possible for you, whenever you're ready to claim it. You are the hero of your story and you deserve to play the main character.

You deserve to stand centre stage in your own existence and in this two hour workshop, we're showing you just that.

 It’s time to think bigger, play bigger and step into your fullest expression.


 I'm Worth More


We live in a world that is constantly telling us that we aren't good enough, so that billion dollar companies can sell us a 'solution' to our insecurities, but nothing ever truly works. Genuine self worth is self-sourced from deep within us. It's the only place we can truly ever find what we're searching for. 

Let us show you how to take your power back. In this two part masterclass, with my incredible mentor Zaia Soul, we show you how to raise your worth and recognise what's been really holding you back from the abundant life you deserve. This wisdom is JUICY!


Workshop 1: I'm worth more: LOVE!

Workshop 2: I'm worth more: MONEY!

Micaela Selling

This course has changed my life. I really couldn’t recommend it enough. It is so well thought out and put together. It is very clear that a lot of effort went into making this and I would say it is worth every penny.

Mel Latham

I feel like I don’t have the words to fully explain what this course has done for me so far. It really is a life changing experience. I was hesitant initially about spending money on myself, but my god, am I glad I went for it !! I know it will be one of the best investments I ever make.

Sashini Jinasena

I can confidently say that purchasing this course has been the best decision I made this year. I am only 4 weeks in, yet already it’s opened my eyes up to so much and has truly made a significant impact on my life.

The Black Friday Sale


£1130 ONLY £149

YOU SAVE £981!

  • The Thrive Project (worth £998)
  • I'm Worth More (worth £88)
  • How to Play Bigger (worth £44)
  • Lifetime access

Black Friday Sale Ends